Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Let's wait for the miracle.

Just wanted to check in. It's miraculous how the brain can recover and it's so fascinating seeing the progression. It was a shock to all of us when she had the stroke, but for me now I am in complete awe. I believe for my mother, it is mind over matter 100%. She is determined to find what she is trying to say and if not, replies with "hold on let me think." She seldom asks for help and attempts to still do everything for herself. So what's changed? Not much. Just that now, I feel the true love more (and she does ask for some things... Like for us to go home). I love laying in her bed with Alice and the nurses asking if we are the patients. It's so nice to just sit with my mom and know she is going to be okay. I can't wait for her to be home and finally be able to fall asleep with her. 


1 comment:

Susan said...

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