Saturday, September 20, 2008



Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for all that you have done to aid in Lora’s recovery. Because of the generosity of those who know and love her, Lora is slowly but steadily working to regain what was taken away by the stroke. Having lost the ability to connect her speech with her acute mind, she now converses simply, and communicates courageously, reaching to retrieve lost words and surprising us with a well-timed bon mot. Where her whole right side was once compromised, she can walk with her cane and brace, braving the bumpy pavement for a walk in the neighborhood.

Her grace, humor, mother-lion ferocity, intelligence, and keen sense of the moment are all there whether she is making broccoli soup, supporting the girls with their homework, or tirelessly working with her therapists.

It has not been easy but you have helped make it possible for Lora to have a terrific caregiver, who, already a member of the family, works with Lora on her “homework,” daily. She has been blessed with wonderful therapists and healers benefiting from the best of Western and Eastern medicine. She’s thirsty for any new program or treatment option that can accelerate her fight back to full health.

Here’s the bad news. Lora is part of the national health care nightmare. Her insurance cap has been exceeded and other avenues for aid have been mired in bureaucracy. With no income and disability still to kick in we are trying to find ways to keep her recovery moving. She will also need major surgery in 2009.

Many have asked for specifics regarding her financial obstacles. Listed below are some of her needs for the next year. We are all working tirelessly to make sure we find the most proven, cost effective ways to give Lora every opportunity to get back to optimum function. Any way that you can aid us in this process is welcome and deeply appreciated.

One week of 24 hour trained caregiver $1,200.00

One hour of Physical, Occupational, or Speech Therapy $300.00

A week of all therapies $1,800.00-$2,700.00

Special four week intensive Aphasia Program $18,000.00

Lawyers fees $20,000.00

Please send any contributions to: Lora Lee

1660 Stanford Street

Santa Monica, CA 90404

On Lora’s behalf, we offer our endless gratitude, love and best wishes. If you wish to contact her, she checks her e-mail, daily!

Warmest Regards,

The Lee/Ross Family

Family Contacts in Santa Monica: Celia Lee 310-383-4049 Marcia Lee 310-663-4460

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