Sunday, May 30, 2010

Hey guys. I've been slacking.

My mom had pretty major leg surgery a month ago or so... it was something to do with the tendons being moved around or "released." I don't know the ligistics but I do know that she was in a significant amount of pain and had to been bed ridden for two weeks. You know Lora and she does not like to sit still for the life of her. We hung out together and I slept with her for those two weeks and helped her get around or get whatever she needed. It honestly was not a time I'd ever like for her to re-live. Ever. She still has a hard cast on from her knee down but manages to get around just fine. The cast should be on for another month or so.

Also, we (my dad mostly) have been trying to get in contact with Ram Das to get my mom out to Hawaii for one of her workshops or retreats. He finally responded to my dad's inquiry recently and he told my mom to watch one of his movies called "Fierce Grace" which is all about his life living with a stroke in a spiritual perspective. I watched it and loved it and was very moved by how much strength people have. I am constantly moved by how well people can adapt and accept where they are at. It was empowering. The next step is to see if she can get out to Hawaii soon. We'll see.

The summer is fast approaching and hopefully my mom is on the mend with her leg. She is a fighter and doesn't seem to ever stop, which is great. I'll keep you posted on the latest.

In other news, jack is traveling around asia for the next few months and has been keeping a blog. If you are at all interested, go check it out:

That's all I got for now. Hope it was informative at the very least.

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